Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who is Richard Cranum?

Ah yes. Another one. Another insipid blogger feeling the need to share his moronic point of view... unless of course you agree with that point of view which, of course, makes him a genius.

So I would have said myself, were it not myself writing this blog. So who is this Richard Cranum character? Some days I probably wouldn't know the answer to that myself. Does anyone really know who they are? Perhaps.

For many years I drove the highways and byways of America from behind the big circle of a Freightshakers steering wheel. Back problems won't let me do that anymore, so now I do other jobs. Fitting for an odd fellow such as myself. I've been writing letters to the editor here and there, and with great remorse I've been reading letters from other fine folks and other blogs. Holy crap there's a lot of morons out there. Especially in arena of politics!! Far left idealistic, vegan, hippies -vs- the far right elitist stodgie folks with their nice dark blinders. Where am I, somewhere off to the side thinking this whole left / right thing is just plain asinine!

So who the heck am I? A working stiff. A divorcee. A parent. A taxpayer. A patriot. A Christian (though not a good example of one). A lover of cigars (not an aficionado, I just like a good cigar). An occasional drinker (tequila anyone?). Most of all an observer of life, a realist, a fan of the all too uncommon "common sense".

What am I planning to blog about? Yes, pick a topic I might just go there.
So, I'm figuring out this "how to blog" thing still so bear with me. It just might be a fun ride though, so keep checking in.

Finally, a thought to remember. No matter how much of a moron you've been, God loves you anyway. I'll talk about that sometime... maybe.